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MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-04-25
Views 2693

On Earth, for the Earth

Aptera’s Earth Month Activations

What if we told you that you could charge your vehicle just by parking it in the sun? This idea is no longer just on the pages of science fiction– we’re making this a reality. Leading the solar revolution, Aptera is a solar electric vehicle that requires no charging for most daily use. How is this possible? Aptera uses the sun to enhance its range and charging options. Aptera can charge up to 40 miles a day from its solar cells alone. This solar energy is conserved by Aptera’s aerodynamic design–fundamentally solving significant energy loss from drag. What does this mean for people and the planet? Each Aptera member can reduce their carbon footprint by 14,000 pounds of CO2 per year. We’re also making clean transportation more accessible and more affordable to communities where EV charging infrastructure is sparse. With a less prohibitive price point and freedom from electric chargers, we’re starting a revolution, transforming transportation for everyone–for generations to come. At Aptera, we refer to ourselves and our work as a movement. A movement toward solar mobility. But, we’re also a movement of individuals–a collective of like minded and passionate changemakers who are not satisfied with the status quo. Our community is rooted in the desire to continuously improve and the determination to make transportation better for the planet. For Earth Month, we’ve mobilized our community to live out these values and improve their neighborhoods for the better. We started with our Ambassadors– 500+ volunteers impassioned by our mission–as they mobilized to host environmental conservation projects within their respective communities. With events throughout April taking place across the United States, we’re tremendously proud that our Ambassadors are living out our shared values. With activities ranging from beach clean-ups to  trash removal from streams and parks, our Ambassadors spread the message of Aptera along with hundreds of volunteers they organized. Thousands of pounds of trash were removed and recycled throughout April. On social media, we challenged our followers to make small changes to their daily lives to reduce waste and build sustainable micro habits. Our first Earth Month challenge was designed to encourage ourselves and our community to do everything in our power to contribute to a sustainable future. And the reward– a chance to win a ride in Aptera and lunch with the team at our HQ. Examples of these simple but meaningful actions included planting seeds, participating in “meatless monday,” opting to carpool, using a reusable water bottle, and offsetting travel. With hundreds of participants, we are thrilled that Aptera serves as the connective tissue bonding for these earth-saving actions taking place all over the world. Our core ethos to transform transportation also represents why we joined MIH. With MIH’s mission of creating an open EV ecosystem that promotes collaboration in the mobility industry, we believe that this goal is greater than any one of us, and we’re proud to be part of this industry shift. We would love to have you join us at aptera.us.
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