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Powertrain Working Group Insight Sharing Webinar | Video Review
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Powertrain Working Group Insight Sharing Webinar | Video Review
Powertrain Working Group Insight Sharing Webinar | Video Review
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-09-27
Views 2012

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  • Time: 9/23 Friday, 3-4pm Taiwan Time (GMT+8)
  • Format: webinar
  • Language: English/Chinese
  • Speakers: MIH, AAM, Elaphe, D&V, NI

About Powertrain Working Group:

The mission of the MIH Powertrain Working Group is to research and develop corresponding technologies based on the spirit of the MIH platform: Open and Agnostic. At this stage, the Powertrain Working Group has two main tasks. The first is to align the two values mentioned above of MIH. By establishing a reference design, we can discuss which technologies in advanced systems are worth developing, and at the same time can develop into unique technologies as reference design topics. The second is standardization and modularization. MIH believes that each component must possess a high degree of compatibility. For the reason that through the re-matching and combination, it can be applied to different styles or models of cars. Also, this high degree of flexibility helps partners build a diverse product portfolio and expand market opportunities.    

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15:00-15:05 Opening, MIH 15:05-15:20 Powertrain Design Standardization, Chair of the Powertrain Working Group, AAM (CN) 15:20-15:35 In-wheel Technology, Elaphe (EN) 15:35-15:45 電動動力測試技術方面的進展和產品/New trend of Electric Power-train Testing Technologies, D&V(EN/CN) 15:45-15:55 基於深度開放平台方法論 馬達控制器的測試解決方案/Based on Open Platform Methodology  the Testing Solution for Motor Control Unit (MCU), NI (CN) 15:55-16:00 Q&A  

About Speakers:


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