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Working Group Status for Mar. 2022
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Working Group Status for Mar. 2022
Working Group Status for Mar. 2022
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-03-30
Views 2322


The mission of the Autonomous Driving Working Group is to develop autonomous driving (AD) and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) requirements and specifications for the MIH Open EV Platform platforms. The scope of the AD WG is to leverage AWF (the Autoware Foundation) Open AD Kit specifications and reference implementations to define AD implementation agnostically.    At MIH Partner Gathering Event, this working group demonstrated:  The Sensor API architecture was developed by the AD/ADAS working group through a number of sensor manufacturers, including oToBrite’s camera sensor, Kneron's Edge AI sensor computing module, and Foxconn lidar sensor, these modules will be connected to the ADAS central computing unit to present the AD/ADAS working group Sensor API usage scenario.   


This working group focus on 4 main subjects: 
  • two-speed gearbox 
  • e-beam axle 
  • disconnecting device 
  • SiC powertrain 
At MIH Partner Gathering Event, this working group demonstrated: A two-speed gearbox from Great Taiwan Gear, we will use a two-speed gearbox as a reference design baseline and work on this working groups deliverable.  Another demo is for the SiC powertrain semiconductor partnered with Sentec Group.  


This working group is focusing on designing, developing, and defining EEA and related component functions, involving redundancies, efficiencies, and performance to support the need for future EVs. We plan to create a software stack reference for future EEA design with an implementation plan as below:  2022: Hardware and Software integration on EE Buck 2023: Hardware and Software integration on the prototype car 2023: Certify Software Stack 2024: Certify All Developed Features of EEA   At MIH Partner Gathering Event, this working group demonstrated: 
  • Datastream system across different zone over ethernet 
  • Unify application and system framework on the zonal controller and zonal gateway 

Security & OTA 

The mission of the Security and OTA Working Group is to create a zero-trust ecosystem for vehicle lifecycle management to solve connected vehicle challenges and satisfy UNECE R155 and R156 compliance. The primary design will focus on components, security compliance verification, over-the-air for security, and over-the-air interface and APIs on Open EV Platform. It applies to connected applications like V2X, smart access for the telemetric unit as the primary reference design in 2022.    At MIH Partner Gathering Event, this working group demonstrated: 
  • T-BOX security verification and OTA on the car 
  • Standard EV Security Matrix for Threat Detection 
  • Concept manual for Security and OTA on Open EV Platform  

Cloud Service & Development platform and tools 

Cloud service providers offer cloud storage services, cloud-native application development platforms, cloud ML Ops platforms, application simulation/verification platforms, etc.   Application development partners can use these platforms to get useful data, develop and validate applications. The application developers can also use this platform to provide online cloud services for vehicle owners, such as instant maps service, fleet management service and vehicle security center, etc.  At MIH Partner Gathering Event, this working group demonstrated: 
  • Cloud data visualization
  • data sharing
  • AI Model training pipeline

Smart Cabin & In-Vehicle Apps 

The goal of the Smart Cabin & In-Vehicle Apps Working Group is to develop cabin requirements and specifications for MIH Open EV Platform allowing different cabin developers to interact with system resources like camera and sound sensors from different vendors.  At MIH Partner Gathering Event, this working group demonstrated:  The API architecture planned by Smart Cabin & In-Vehicle Apps WG in the future will be demonstrated through a number of cabin manufacturers, including the IVI system from Clientron, voice sensing from Cerence, the application marketplace by DRIMAES, navigation from TomTom. The flexibility and context of the Cabin API will be presented by integrating these modules in the future.   
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