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2022 China Automotive Industry Executive Briefing (IEB China)
Home / News 2022 China Automotive Industry Executive Briefing (IEB China)
2022 China Automotive Industry Executive Briefing (IEB China)
2022 China Automotive Industry Executive Briefing (IEB China)
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-03-30
Views 2052

Building Foresight & Resilience in Our Automotive Future

The automotive industry is still recovering from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, one of which is the supply chain disruption manifested in Chinese parts exports, large scale interruptions across Europe and the closure of assembly plants in the United States. Emergence of new Coronavirus variants had and will likely throw government leaders off-guard till they recover their grounds with solid intelligence on how they can flatten the variant curves. Lack of real-time visibility and insight across the industry may impair critical business decision-making. Convene at the 2022 China Automotive IEB to get a clearer outlook into the industry future, understand upcoming key trends, also discuss with our thought leaders, industry analysts, like-minded professional on how we can mitigate risks in supply chain, and covert new technology/ mobility disruptions into viable, long-term opportunities. 2022 China Automotive IEB will be a hybrid format. There will be an onsite cocktail reception for invited customers post-event.

Registration Fees

Type of Pass Early Bird rates (valid till 31 March 2022) Regular rates (starts 1 April 2022)
In-person Pass 1,588 CNY 2,088 CNY
In-person Pass (Group of 5 tickets or more) 1,288 CNY/attendee 1,288 CNY/attendee
Online Pass (On-demand) 1,288 CNY 1,288 CNY
REGISTER NOW Note: IEB China 2022 will be implemented on 22 April as scheduled both onsite in Beijing and online. If the 2022 Beijing Auto Show is to be postponed due to the pandemic situation, the IEB China event will also be postponed but will be held within the year. If you are registered for IEB China, you may choose to keep your seat reservation or apply for a refund.

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Event Details

Date 22 April 2022, Friday Time 1:30 - 5:20 PM CST | Briefing 5:30 - 6:30 PM CST | Cocktail Reception Venue In-person [Limited to 100 PAX] Beijing Marriott Hotel Northeast 26A Xiao Yun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China [Alternatively, you may opt for the online on-demand session which will be ready 1-2 working days post-event]

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