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Session Overview | MIH Partner Gathering 2022
Home / News Session Overview | MIH Partner Gathering 2022
Session Overview | MIH Partner Gathering 2022
Session Overview | MIH Partner Gathering 2022
MIH Partner Gathering 2022
Published On 2022-04-07
Views 2354

MIH Keynote

  • MIH Partner Gathering 2022 Keynote with Foxconn Chairman Young Liu

  • MIH Partner Gathering 2022 Keynote with MIH CEO Jack Cheng

  • 2022 MIH Major Events & Startup Program (2022 MIH重大計畫與新創競賽)


EV Market Trend & Insight

  • EV Market Trend (電動車市場趨勢揭密) | MIH Partner Gathering 2022

  • Thailand Green Policy & New Era for EV Industry (泰國綠能政策與電動車產業新紀元) [embed]https://youtu.be/66G4hshJMt8[/embed]

Sharing from Startup EV Automotive Brand

  • Lordstown Brand Story and Key Technology(Lordstown品牌故事與關鍵技術)

  • Market Technology Trends from Aptera​ (Aptera的市場與技術趨勢分享) [embed]https://youtu.be/tha7iYLRJCE[/embed]

Business Briefing from Foxconn Technology Group & Strategic Partners

  • PTT Group Strategy & EV Business in Thailand (泰國PTT集團策略與泰國電動車市場趨勢) [embed]https://youtu.be/C8Ki4SYNI9c[/embed]
  • Lordstown:US EV Manufacturing & Business Briefing (Lordstown:美國電動車製造與招商)

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