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MIH joins hands with worlds: leading certification company to assist members in building Carbon Footprint Verification and Carbon Footprint calculations
Home / News MIH joins hands with worlds: leading certification company to assist members in building Carbon Footprint Verification and Carbon Footprint calculations
MIH joins hands with worlds: leading certification company to assist members in building Carbon Footprint Verification and Carbon Footprint calculations
MIH joins hands with worlds: leading certification company to assist members in building Carbon Footprint Verification and Carbon Footprint calculations
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-04-26
Views 1986
The Executive Yuan of Taiwan passed the amended draft of the "Climate Change Response Act" on April 21, which will be sent to the Legislative Yuan for consideration in the future. It is expected that a carbon fee will be imposed on enterprises in 2024 at the earliest, in order to accelerate the country's goal of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Internationally, the European Union also announced the "Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism" in 2021, to be implemented on a trial basis from 2023, so specific industries will be required to pay carbon emission fees, and importers will be required to report carbon emissions.
The market expert consultant, S&P Global Mobility (formerly IHS Markit Automotive), proposed the following key projects for compliance by automakers.
  • Improve product planning and marketing
    • Determine the CO2 and fuel economy of competitors' future vehicles in your segment
  • Improve product engineering
    • Determine competitive CO2 and fuel economy goals/benchmarks for the vehicle you are designing
    • Understand the trade-offs of various technical options to achieve reductions and powertrain efficiencies, and the resulting Competitive impact on vehicle performance
  • Compliance and Sustainability Management
    • Determine all future CO2/fuel economy performance expected by the entire salesforce
    • Evaluate the trade-off of government compliance penalty fees against potential market sales/revenues and CO2 market credits that need to be purchased
    • Develop promotional strategies for selling vehicles
  • Improve marketing, sales, and R&D
    • Identify OEMs and vehicle models that require the most technology
    • Determine the cost/benefit business case for own technology versus other viable options
In the age of sustainability, the automotive industry is committed to achieving a carbon-neutral value chain in this century. Growth in electric vehicle sales is expected to be a key contributor to the decarbonization of transport. The biggest challenge for car manufacturers is finding the perfect balance between efficiency, emissions, performance, and compliance. Navigate a growing sense of urgency in an increasingly complex environment. The result is a mix of sophisticated decision-making and automotive energy management technology spread betting. To do this, the OEM and supplier sectors will need to be more closely linked than ever before to have the opportunity to achieve a "perfect mix" of efficiency, emissions, performance, and compliance. The driving speed of the auto industry is more difficult and complex than in other industries. In addition to the performance and efficiency of its products often needing to be chosen, one of the important reasons comes from the special ecology of its industry and suppliers. The unique Tier1/2/3 supply method of the automotive supply chain also makes the carbon footprint tracking of products require different levels of product suppliers to trackback. Under the domestic and international carbon border adjustment mechanisms and green supply chain regulations, carbon emissions will become a key indicator of corporate competitiveness in the future.
As an Open EV Alliance, MIH has the advantage of breaking barriers and hopes to help the industry respond to global trends and to international regulatory requirements in advance. To this end, we have the top market trend insight consulting company to share industry insights for members, and we also bring together standard and verification professional labs to help industry transformation through the MIH platform. MIH Alliance aims at net-zero carbon emissions as our vision. With the purpose of encouraging MIH members to reduce carbon emissions, MIH Alliance will join hands with the world's leading certification company to assist MIH members in building Carbon Footprint Verification and Carbon Footprint related calculations to reduce carbon emissions, so as to obtain the international ecolabels and join the green supply chain, grasp net-zero business opportunities, and move towards a Green society of the future together!  
*Want to Learn more about CO2 Compliance for Global Automotive Market? MIH CEO Jack Cheng will participate in the S&P Global Mobility webinar on Friday, May 13, 2022, to discuss industry trends and product lifecycle compliance. 👉Click to Register for this Webinar
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