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【May Seminar】CO2 Compliance and Sustainability for Global Automotive Market
Home / News 【May Seminar】CO2 Compliance and Sustainability for Global Automotive Market
【May Seminar】CO2 Compliance and Sustainability for Global Automotive Market
【May Seminar】CO2 Compliance and Sustainability for Global Automotive Market
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-04-28
Views 1961


  • Title: CO2 Compliance and Sustainability for Global Automotive Market
  • Featured Partner: S&P Global Mobility (formerly IHS Markit Automotive)
  • Date: Friday, May 13, 2022
  • Time: 03:00 PM GST
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Location: Online
Global light vehicle market has been significantly driven by tightened regulatory requirements in the past decade. In the era of sustainability, automotive industry is committing to a carbon neutral value chain by the middle of this century. Ramp up of electric vehicle sales is expected to become a key contributor to road transport decarbonization.  

This seminar will provide an overview on:

  • Trends of global light vehicle fuel/ CO₂ regulations and the recent updates in major markets
  • Global light vehicle electrification forecast and compliance outlook
  • Lifecycle based carbon emissions assessment and implications
MIH CEO Jack Cheng will participate in this seminar, to discuss industry trends and product lifecycle compliance. 👉Click and Register

【MIH Seminar Preview】

From May to August, MIH will continue to collaborate with professional market insight consulting firms to hold regular monthly seminars to share first-hand industry insights with our members.
  • May 13 | CO2 Compliance and Sustainability for Global Automotive Market 
  • May 20 | Enhance Power of HW/SW for Semiconductor Safety & Security 
  • Jun 17 | MIH Industry Seminar 
  • Jul 15 | Three core focuses in the field of electric vehicle certification 
  • Aug 15 | Automotive Safety Standards
Seminar registration information will be posted on the official MIH platform, so please stay tuned! 👉Subscribe to M+Service to enjoy free registration for each session
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