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MIH April 2022 Newsletter
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MIH April 2022 Newsletter
MIH April 2022 Newsletter
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-04-28
Views 2184
In April, MIH's monthly newsletter is themed on the International Earth Day, sharing information about the Green Policy Regulation discussed on the Earth Day Seminar and announcing the upcoming MIH Alliance Carbon Footprint Verification Plan and upcoming MIH Seminar information, as well as introducing MIH Alliance partners Aptera, Tier IV, and SGS. *Due to the rising Covid epidemic in Taiwan, the MIH team is well prepared to work from home and postpone the MIH Semiconductor Symposium in April. MIH will continue to connect and engage our members during the period of home-based work, hope we can move towards a new normal life soon! Stay safe!

MIH joins hands with the world’s leading certification company to assist members in building Carbon Footprint Verification and Carbon Footprint calculations

MIH Alliance aims at net-zero carbon emissions as our vision. With the purpose of encouraging MIH members to reduce carbon emissions, MIH Alliance will join hands with the world’s leading certification company to assist MIH members in building Carbon Footprint Verification and Carbon Footprint related calculations to reduce carbon emissions, so as to obtain the international ecolabels and join the green supply chain, grasp net-zero business opportunities, and move towards a Green society of the future together! Read more

[May Seminar] CO2 Compliance and Sustainability for Global Automotive Market

👉Register for this Seminar 👉Subscribe to M+Service to enjoy free registration for each seminar From May to August, MIH will continue to collaborate with professional market insight consulting firms to hold regular monthly seminars to share first-hand industry insights with our members.
  • May 13 | CO2 Compliance and Sustainability for Global Automotive Market
  • May 20 | Enhance Power of HW/SW for Semiconductor Safety & Security
  • Jun 17 | MIH Industry Seminar
  • Jul 15 | Three core focuses in the field of electric vehicle certification
  • Aug 15 | Automotive Safety Standards
Seminar registration information will be released on the MIH official site, so please stay tuned! Read more

[Seminar Highlights] The Development Tendency of Electronic Products of the Vehicle Restricted Substances Policies

👉Subscribe to M+Service to enjoy free registration for upcoming seminars To support MIH members to establish the concept of green products and close the gap with the international green regulations, and learn about the environmental regulations and requirements of the global automotive industry. 👉See the replay video of this seminar

Working Group Status for Apr. 2022

The latest in this month's status report is the kickoff plan for the new Thermal Management, Smart Cabin, and Certification working groups, as well as updates and progress, reports from the other three MIH working groups - Powertrain, AD/ADAS, Security & OTA.

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[Member Featuring] Aptera

Aptera uses the sun to enhance its range and charging options. Aptera can charge up to 40 miles a day from its solar cells alone. This solar energy is conserved by Aptera’s aerodynamic design–fundamentally solving significant energy loss from drag.

👉Watch the video from Aptera Co-CEO Chris Anthony

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[Member Featuring] TIER IV

TIER IV, a deep-tech startup based in Japan, is the creator of Autoware, the world’s first open-source software for autonomous driving, and provides full-stack solutions for the commercialization of intelligent vehicles based on the Autoware-defined Autonomous Driving Kit (ADK) running on multiple platforms. Read more  

[Member Featuring] SGS

SGS is the world’s leading testing, inspection, and certification as a well-known TIC company, headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. SGS is recognized as the global guidepost for quality and integrity. There are about 96,000 employees operating a network of 2,600 offices and laboratories globally, working together to enable a better, safer, and more interconnected world. Read more  

A dive into Thailand’s perks for electric vehicles

Thailand has been gearing up to push for more electric vehicles on the road. The country has even set a bold goal of selling only zero-emission vehicles from 2035 onwards. With that, came a flurry of perks by the government, for the Thai EV market. Just this week, officials announced tax incentives to spur the adoption of clean vehicles. 👉Learn more about Thailand Green Policy 👉Learn more about EV Business in Thailand Read more
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