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Working Group Status for May 2022
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Working Group Status for May 2022
Working Group Status for May 2022
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-05-27
Views 2292
MIH has recently made several changes to the Working Groups outlined below with the MIH Committee’s approval. - Simplified Working Group Names - SoC and Sensors merged into other WGs and became subgroups of EEA, Autonomy, Smart Cabin, etc. - User Identity, Data, Privacy and Blockchain merged into Security & OTA Read on to see the latest updates from the Working Groups below.
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【Autonomy WG】 

The 10th Autonomy Working Group meeting was held on 5/12, during which all members passed the Drive-by-Wire API, and the group explained the procedures for the future submission of the API to TC review. Then the chairman confirmed the scope of the Sensor API, and the person in charge of each Sensor API also updated the status. In the end, the group discussed the E-Mobility Taiwan exhibition demonstration scenario in October and will present a proposal at the next meeting.

【Smart Cabin WG】 

The 2nd Smart Cabin Working Group was held on 5/19. A new partner ITE joined the group this time. ITE specializes in IO chips, which are indispensable for a cabin environment that emphasizes user experience. In addition, TomTom and Microsoft provided a progress update on the E-Mobility Taiwan exhibition in October, and at the end, the chairman presented the preliminary concept of the in-vehicle communication protocol, and more discussions are expected at the next meeting.

【Security & Over-the-air WG】 

This month, the Security & Over-the-air Working Group discusses the design of "Zero Trust" as the actual protection action, and how to present "source-side verification" and "anomaly detection". And combined with the capabilities of mobile device application partners, through standardized API, to test data management methods and user authorization methods, relevant protection screens can be obtained. One of the protection scenarios is that when the user approaches the vehicle in different ways, it will provide the option to unlock the door according to the sensing method that the existing vehicle can provide.

【Certification WG】 

The testing and certification working group held its first meeting on 5/11 of this month. The chairman is SGS, and the participating members include BV, iST, DEKRA iST, NI, and UL, all of which are well-known international manufacturers in the field of testing, inspection and certification.

【Thermal Management WG】 

This month, we will discuss the preliminary preparations, discuss the details of the OEM demand list and the DENSO market benchmark models and directions, as well as discuss the MIH standardization and modularization, and the consensus of the working group.  Demand investigations for OEMs start from the following directions: 
  • Basic information related to the vehicle side, as well as regional requirements such as laws and regulations.
  • Requirements related to heat pump systems.
  • Functionality target setting is used for subsequent simulation calculations to see if it can meet OEM requirements.

【Powertrain WG】 

2-speed gearbox test information update. Analyze the potential advantages of applying a two-speed gearbox to an EV's EDU. The current two-speed gearbox is based on a 150Kw@max.12,000 rpm motor, C&D size pass. The current market for cars requires 16,000 rpm and will move to 20,000 rpm by 2024. Provide project proposals to upgrade current designs to match maximum 16,000 rpm and 20,000 rpm motors without major design changes. The team also updated the simulations running the two-speed gearbox comparison.

SiC subgroup Update: 

The purpose of this subgroup is by standardizing the interface and creating reference designs that can cover 100Kw, 150Kw, and 200Kw for 800V Mechatronics system with SiC inverter, so MIH will be able to provide better time-to-market solutions for OEMs in need. The working group is currently working with members to analyze solutions at different levels.
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