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MIH May 2022 Newsletter
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MIH May 2022 Newsletter
MIH May 2022 Newsletter
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-05-31
Views 2157

In our May Newsletter, we're excited to debut our new service: Business Matching Platform is now available! As the leader of the Open EV Platform, MIH is dedicated to creating a collaborative environment for partners. Through the business matching platform, members can connect potential partners and companies with complementary interests. Expand your business opportunities now!

In addition, we’re introducing a new "MIH Insights” column. Every month, we will invite MIH consultants from each working group to share the new insights. Let's get started with the energy management topic in May.

We know that MIH members are lifelong learners and actively seek professional growth. So, DO NOT miss the "MIH Electric Vehicle Industry Seminar" that we will host together with NI and D&V on June 17th.

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Subscribe to M+ Service and enjoy benefits from MIH Business Matching Platform! 

Are you looking for a potential business partner to build the future EV business together? 

MIH Alliance now has more than 2,300 members worldwide. To promote business cooperation among alliance members, the Business Matching Platform provides MIH M+ Service and Contributor Members a quick, easy-to-use, and fully searchable database of MIH partner members. 

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👉Already an M+ Service Member? Become a Contributor Member to GET FULL BENEFITS from MIH Business Matching Platform 

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[Seminar in June] MIH Electric Vehicle Industry Trends and Key Technologies

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Members should not miss the seminar on the "MIH Electric Vehicle Industry Trends and Key Technologies" jointly held by MIH, NI, and D&V on June 17. This seminar will discuss the technology trends of ADAS and Powertrain and help partners grasp the vital development direction of the global automotive industry. Stay close to the global industry thinking, and gain business opportunities first. Sign up now!

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[MIH Insights] Commit to Three Major Fields of Energy Management, and Move Towards a Smart and Green Future

Starting from May, the consultants of the MIH Working Groups will share the technology and market trends with members. This time, we continue the popular Earth Month topic and invited our Technical Development Advisor to talk about the major trends in the energy management industry. 

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Working Group Status for May 2022

MIH has recently made several changes to the Working Groups outlined below with the MIH Committee’s approval.
- Simplified Working Group names
- SoC and Sensors merged into other WGs and became subgroups of EEA, Autonomy, Smart Cabin...etc
- User Identity, Data, Privacy and Blockchain merged into Security & OTA

Read on to see the latest updates from the Working Groups below.

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[Seminar Highlights] CO2 Compliance and Sustainability in the Global Automotive Market

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MIH and IHS Markit held the "CO2 Compliance and Sustainability in the Global Automotive Market" webinar on 5/13. MIH CEO Jack Cheng shared his insights on the coming trends of mobility transformation, such as an ESG perspective on the automotive industry, to help members grasp the trend of the automotive industry towards a carbon-neutral value chain and embrace a green lifestyle.

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[Seminar Highlights] Enhance Power of HW/SW for Semiconductor Safety & Security

The vehicle industry is moving towards electrification and intelligence, and the demand for automotive semiconductors has greatly increased. Therefore, software development, network security, and transient failure reliability verification have become important issues. MIH, SGS Taiwan, and Arm co-hosted the "Enhance Power of HW/SW for Semiconductor Safety & Security" webinar on May 20. Click to view a summary of the seminar.

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[Member Featuring] DEKRA iST

DEKRA iST is a professional third-party laboratory. On a mission of "Quality Doctor for a Better Life", DEKRA iST plays an important role for Electric & Electronic products during their validation stage. When the new product develops or product field returns from the market, DEKRA iST is positioned as a medical center, that not only provides health checkup (reliability validation) services but also sickness diagnosis (failure analysis) services.

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IHS Markit:Utility CEOs say managing grid to meet EV demand, supply renewables remains a challenge

“So, if everyone bought an EV tomorrow, would the grid work? The short answer is no. You know, the grids have not been built, especially in cities, for heavy adoption, so there is heavy catching up to do,” OPG CEO Ken Hartwick said during a Foreign Policy magazine 27 April discussion on decarbonizing the grid.

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