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Subscribe to M+ Service and enjoy benefits from MIH Business Matching Platform!
Subscribe to M+ Service and enjoy benefits from MIH Business Matching Platform!
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-05-30
Views 2323
Are you looking for a potential business partner to build the future EV business together?  MIH Alliance now has more than 2,300 members worldwide. To promote business cooperation among alliance members, the Business Matching Platform provides MIH M+ Service and Contributor Members a quick, easy-to-use, and fully searchable database of MIH partner members.    👉Visit MIH Business Matching Platform  👉Subscribe to M+ Service to enjoy the benefits from MIH Business Matching Platform  👉Already an M+ Service Member? Become a Contributor Member to GET FULL BENEFITS from MIH Business Matching Platform    M+ Service Members and Contributor Members will have exclusive right access to this platform and will receive the following benefits.    1. Promote Your Business: With the platform's category filtering function, potential business partners can quickly reach you (including company profile, industry type, industry-aligned to which platform, development area, expertise, etc.)   2. Business Matching: Easily search the complete company profiles of other MIH members by type and filter, and quickly access potential partner information   3*. One-stop Business Connection: Business Development Contact of Contributor Members Company can be reached easily by other MIH Members' Company, and The Business Matching Platform provides MIH M+ Service and Contributor Members a quick, easy-to-use, and fully searchable database of MIH partner members to promote business cooperation among alliance also can reach the Business Development Contact of other MIH M+ Service subscribing members and Contributor members. 4*. Business Partnership Opportunities: Contributor members enjoy the benefit of posting business partnership invitations on the business matching platform to quickly reach potential partners in the MIH Consortium.   *The third and fourth benefits are limited exclusive benefits for Contributor Members    👉Visit MIH Business Matching Platform  👉Subscribe to M+ Service to enjoy the benefits from MIH Business Matching Platform  👉Already an M+ Service Member? Become a Contributor Member to GET FULL BENEFITS from MIH Business Matching Platform   
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