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MIH June 2022 Newsletter
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MIH June 2022 Newsletter
MIH June 2022 Newsletter
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-06-29
Views 2302

The first half of 2022 has passed in the blink of an eye. As we enter into the second half of 2022, MIH is here to support all our members to meet their goals with industry seminars, networking events, informative contents, and more. 

MIH believes in startups being crucial to future EV innovation and we are thrilled to launch the “MIH for Startups" program powered by Techstars, the worldwide network that helps entrepreneurs succeed. We look forward to collaborating with EV startups worldwide to spark groundbreaking ideas and innovate. 

In July, MIH will be hosting a webinar with our partners DEKRA iST and DEKRA, the leading verification services organization, on July 15th. This webinar is an opportunity to learn the three core fields of electric vehicle verification. Register before July 8th and don’t miss out on this exciting event.  

Last but not least, the MIH Insights column continues to highlight the progress of all our working groups. This month, we have an expert from the Powertrain working group discussing their goals and current technology trends.

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MIH Partners with Techstars to Drive Innovation on the Next Generation of EV Mobility

"MIH for Startups powered by Techstars" invites and encourages EV startups from around the world, whether it is an emerging electric vehicle brand, powertrain, energy management, autonomous driving, or other EV-related software and hardware, to participate in the 8-week global Founder Catalyst program, driving the future of the EV mobility industry.

The final 10 selected teams will receive free round-trip tickets to Taiwan to participate in the Pitch Day, to be held in November, and also EV-specific supply chain tours. The top three startups will get the chance to sit down with MIH to discuss proof-of-concept project opportunities and with the Foxconn investment team to discuss investment opportunities, and will be inducted as MIH partners.

The first event "Looking into a Robust EV Future" will be held on July 7th at 08:00 AM (GMT-7). Techstars Managing Director Tricia Martinez will discuss the technology of electric vehicles and the opportunities for startups. Do not miss out on this opportunity. Register now!

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👉Click to register "Looking into a Robust EV Future" masterclass free of charge!

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[Webinar in July] Three Cores in the Field of Electric Vehicle Verification

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MIH and the well-known verification organizations DEKRA iST and DEKRA will be holding a webinar on July 15th (UTC+8). The topic is "Three Cores in the Field of Electric Vehicle Verification". The experts will discuss Functional Safety, EMC/RF, and Reliability. Sign up now! Please note that this seminar is conducted in Mandarin Chinese only.

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[MIH Insights] Build up MIH Powertrain System in the Spirit of Open and Agnostic

MIH hosted an industry seminar talking about the Powertrain and Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) technologies and we have received positive feedback from attendees. This month of MIH Insights, we invited MIH experts to share with you the technology and market development of the powertrain, as well as the projects and progress that the working group is developing.

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Working Group Status for June 2022

This month, MIH working groups including Autonomy, Smart Cabin, Testing and Certification, Security & OTA, etc., have continued to update their work progress. Read this article to keep up with the latest news.

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Interest Group Status for June 2022

MIH Consortium and our partners have launched the first two Interest Groups: the Carbon Neutrality Interest Group and the Next Generation Communication Interest Group. These two Interest Groups propose a complete supply chain climate governance structure and the requirements of the next generation communication standards for electric vehicles. Click to get the full update of each Interest Group.

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Precision Marketing! Member Featuring Service Now Opens to Contributor and M+ Service Members

Would you like to let more people know about your company’s technology, products, and services and its uniqueness and leadership? Want to get more business collaboration opportunities? Through MIH Member Featuring Service, you can precisely reach out to 2,300+ companies in the automotive and electronics around the world.

The Contributor Members and M+ Service Members are all invited to register. If you’re a Contributor Member, we will publish your member featuring article free of charge. If you’re an M+ Service Member, complete the registration form before the end of July to get an early bird price: USD$300 to publish your articles.

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[Seminar Highlights] MIH、NI、D&V Co-hosted EV Industry Seminar to Lead the Discussion of EV Development

MIH together with NI and D&V Electronics co-hosted the 2022 MIH Industry Seminar- Automotive Industry Executive Discussion, revealing the business opportunity of EV development. The seminar focused on the discussion of key technologies of ADAS and Powertrain, attracting 500 online and offline audiences from around the world.

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[Expert Views] CATL and CALB Competing in the Power Battery Market – Patent Offenses and Defense War Tend to Be Harsh

With the continuous growth of electric vehicles and the high demand for automotive power batteries, CATL, which ranks first among China's power battery manufacturers, and the emerging CALB have launched patent litigation. Experts pointed out that in the face of the increasingly fierce patent war, manufacturers who can grasp their advantages and reverse the situation will be essential to consolidate their industrial leadership.

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