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MIH、NI、D&V Co-hosted EV Industry Seminar to Lead the Discussion of EV Development
Home / News MIH、NI、D&V Co-hosted EV Industry Seminar to Lead the Discussion of EV Development
MIH、NI、D&V Co-hosted EV Industry Seminar to Lead the Discussion of EV Development
MIH、NI、D&V Co-hosted EV Industry Seminar to Lead the Discussion of EV Development
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-06-24
Views 2914
June 17, MIH together with NI and D&V Electronics co-hosted 2022 MIH Industry Seminar- Automotive Industry Executive Discussion, revealing the business opportunity of EV development. The seminar focused on the discussion of key technologies of ADAS and Powertrain, attracting 500 online and offline audiences from around the world. Such event marked that MIH sets the industry’s developing agenda by creating an open EV platform for participants who are interested in the development of electric vehicles. Jack Cheng, CEO of MIH delivered an opening speech for the seminar. He expressed great expectation to bring chance for the members in obtaining professional knowledge of EV through the discussion in the seminar. Meanwhile, MIH established a communication channel on such occasion to congregate various sources by engaging members to talk on this platform in regard to thriving the EV industry. The seminar discussion was led by Eric Huang, Technical Development Advisor of MIH and supported by prominent players in the EV area. Speakers from the EV testing companies of NI and D&V Electronics, including Kevin Kuo, General Manager of NI Taiwan; Angus Lu, EV Account Manager of NI; Libin Han, General Manager of D&V Electronics China and Dr. Uday Deshpande, CTO of D&V Electronics. Kevin Kuo, General Manager of NI Taiwan remarked, the modern vehicle focuses on the intelligence, network connection and electrification that accelerate the EV technology evolution.  He added, the traditional testing method cannot solve the more complex testing challenge while guarantees the safety. To satisfy the more complex testing requirement, there is a need of united, standardized, open-testing platform. “NI is developing a testing platform satisfying the testing requirement of ADAS, Powertrain, Battery/BMS, V2X and infotainment to provide the HIL (Hardware-in-the-Loop) system for verifying Functional Safety and ISO 26262 in order to meet market needs.” Libin Han, General Manager of D&V Electronics China said, since the company’s inception into the EV industry, D&V has been adhering to the philosophy of providing advanced and reliable testing equipment for the automotive industry. “Through continuous innovation and development, we combine our own electrical and motor knowledge, efficient testing methods and mature data analysis as an overall solution to serve customers in the industry.” Other speakers include Douglas Ayres, Site Leader of TomTom Taiwan, giving speech about how digital maps accelerate ADAS – now and in the future; Cathy Yeh, Principal Group PM of Corp RD from Microsoft Taiwan introduced EV digital twins in empowering energy agility; Colin Huang from American Axle & Manufacturing(AAM)gave remarks on electrification roadmap; VicOne CEO Max Cheng shared insights of the cybersecurity risk of autonomous vehicles and Fangze Tu from ZoXTech talked about C-V2X test standard and system. MIH Industry Seminar set the agenda of the EV industry and create consensus amongst experts from various areas to facilitate growth of the EV development. In the interactive sessions, onsite and online attendees were interested in the topics of software-defined vehicles, electric small cars development, V2X implementation and 5G development.
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