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MIH July 2022 Newsletter
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MIH July 2022 Newsletter
MIH July 2022 Newsletter
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-07-27
Views 1693

We can't predict the future, but innovators can invent it! 💡


MIH and Techstars, a global startup accelerator, recently launched the "MIH for Startups" program. With influx of applications from startups globally, we are calling all EV startups to submit your application before the August 7th deadline to supercharge your company with the cohort program starting from late August and present your innovation to a global audience on stage at the final pitch day in November.


We are also inviting MIH corporate members to join us as sponsors to maximize your brand exposure and accelerate your corporate venturing!


Moreover, MIH will hold a seminar with UL, the leading product safety certification organization, on August 26 to discuss the importance of the one-stop solution for electric vehicle charging piles. Last but not least, MIH Insights invited the expert of the Autonomy Working Group to discuss the trend of autonomous driving and the current progress of the working group.


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Join us as a Sponsor of MIH for Startups Final Pitch Day!

Partner with MIH for Startups to discover cutting-edge, early-stage companies who are positioned to disrupt the future of mobility. MIH would like to speak with you and your organization about ways you can sponsor this event taking place in November 2022!

This one-day event will feature 10 innovative startups with final pitching, keynote presentations, exhibition booths, VIP Night networking, and much more. We sincerely invite members and partners to join us as sponsors to maximize your brand exposure and accelerate your corporate venturing!

Incredible benefits of being a sponsor:

  • Expand your network: VIP Night is an invitation-only event with participants being C-level executives, thought leaders, and industry elites from great companies in the EV and ICT fields. You can build connections with these VIPs and explore business opportunities.
  • Connect with EV ecosystems & talents: There are plenty of promising EV startups worth keeping your eyes on. By becoming a sponsor, you can interact with these rising stars, discuss potential collaborations and connect with the global talents directly.
  • Promote your brand: With sponsorship packages such as keynote presentations, branded awards, and exhibitions, you can promote your technologies and products to EV audiences and the global media.

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[MIH Insights] Developing APIs to Achieve Cross-Platform Connectivity

In the July edition of the MIH Insights, we have the Technical Consultant of the MIH Autonomy Working Group share how they're working on APIs development through MIH's three DNAs: Agnostic, Open, and Decentralized, to achieve the goal of cross-platform connectivity.


The MIH Autonomy Working Group will hold a public webinar in August. If you want to learn about the project and research directions that the Autonomy Working Group is developing,  don't miss this webinar. Fill out this registration form to save your spot!

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[Seminar in August] MIH x UL EV Charger Total Solution

MIH and UL, a global leader in applied safety science, will host an "EV Charger Total Solution" seminar in late August. Please note that this seminar is an in-person event and is conducted in Mandarin Chinese.


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Working Group Status for July 2022

This month, the MIH Working Groups, such as Autonomy, Smart Cabin, Testing and Certification, Security & OTA, etc., have continued to update their work progress. Read this article to keep up with the latest news.

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Interest Group Status for July 2022

Following the establishment of the Carbon Neutrality Interest Group and the Next-Generation Communication Interest Group, MIH and its partners officially established the Web3 Interest Group in July.

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[Member Featuring] iST

With the rise of the electric vehicle market, the demand for electronic components has grown significantly. The industry's reliance on feedback from electronic systems has also increased, paying more attention to functional safety issues. According to the V-curve verification process of SAE J1211 and ISO 26262 international standards, iST proposes a detailed analysis of the five verification steps.

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[Expert Views] Patent Insight of New Automakers in China

The automotive industry has adopted the acronym CASE to describe vehicles of the future: Connectivity, Autonomous, Sharing, and Electrification. In China, the world’s largest auto market, many new automakers are coming onto the stage. The article compares the patent data of the Chinese new auto brands and analyzes their overall patent strategies.

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[Webinar Highlights] Three Cores in the Field of Electric Vehicle Verification

Amid the global trend of the green revolution, the awareness of carbon reduction has risen, along with the trend of zeroing out carbon emissions. This is not only an environmental protection issue but also a new generation of technological revolution. Under the unstoppable development of electric vehicles, manufacturers of electronic products are interested in this new market. MIH with DEKRA iST and DEKRA Taiwan held the " The Three Cores of Electric Vehicle Validation Webinar " to discuss Functional Safety, Electromagnetic Compatibility/Radio Frequency (EMC/RF), and Reliability Tests for hardware quality. The event successfully attracted nearly 200 audiences.

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