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Working Group Status for July 2022
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Working Group Status for July 2022
Working Group Status for July 2022
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-07-27
Views 1999

The progress updates of the various MIH Working Groups in July are below:

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  【Autonomy WG】  MIH has held the 14th Autonomy (AD) working group meeting on 7/4. The overall architecture of AD is clearly expounded mainly from the environment sensor unit, recognition unit, action unit, and skateboard control unit. Skateboard's control (Drive By Wire) API had been preliminarily defined by several previous working group meetings. Now DbW API is currently being detail reviewed within MIH. The sensor API is under discussion in the sensor sub-working group.    【Smart Cabin WG】  The 6th Smart Cabin Working Group was held on 7/14. There were 3 new members: Kneron, ST, and ASUS joining the group. Kneron is good at edge AI. ST is a global chip designer. ASUS is strong at smart phone integration. There is a total of 14 partners in the Smart Cabin Working Group. During the meeting, TomTom updated the status for the upcoming Demo Day event. Cerence updated quick vocabulary. MIH elaborated the MIH mission and schedule. The overall schedule was all on track for each task forces.    【Certification WG】  The 6th Certification working group was held on 7/20. There was a new member D&V joining the group. D&V is good at PowerTrain testing which is very helpful to the group. During the meeting, SGS updated Smart Cabin and Security staus. NI updated PowerTrain and Energy Management status. DEKRA iST updated Autonomy and IST updated Thermal Management status. The collaboration between Certification and other working groups are all smoothly commenced.    【Security & Over-the-air Working Group】  MIH Security & OTA WG held the meeting on 7/14. The members shared their vision of the automotive security framework. NIST released a cybersecurity framework and other consortiums also released some security frameworks.  MIH Security & OTA WG may discuss and document the automotive security framework and propose it to MIH for review and publication.    【Energy Management WG】  Energy Mgmt. WG held the first group meeting. This meeting firstly introduces our development directions. NI also recapped Power-Level Batter HIL (Hard-in-the-Loop) project goal and will recruit partners who want to join. MIH will set up separate 1-1 collaboration meetings with partners and board partners on interesting topics.    【Thermal Management WG】  Thermal Management WG will hold its 6th meeting on 7/28. Our WG will remain its focus on the HVAC system, and target to have an optimized HVAC system design as the WG phase 1 outcome. For this upcoming group meeting, we will begin to define a HVAC with the lightest and simple design. When this design is determined, spec and volume of each key part will be set, and we will primarily bring in the competitive parts from our WG members. This is how we operate to improve and optimize the HVAC system.    【Powertrain WG】  2 Speed Gear Box Update   The two-speed gearbox concept test has been completed. NVH has completed the solution proposal review meeting with the team members, and will conduct feasibility test planning according to the follow-up test items. According to the test results, it is planned to launch a commercial vehicle powertrain application program. Next, the annual review document will be written and submitted in accordance with the foundation's review process.  SiC subgroup  The collegial formulation of the specifications has been completed, and then the annual review documents will be written and submitted according to the foundation's review process. 
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