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Interest Groups Status for July 2022
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Interest Groups Status for July 2022
Interest Groups Status for July 2022
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-07-27
Views 1896
In 2022, MIH and our partners have launched innovative projects within Interest Group to discuss cutting-edge EV technologies and policies that interest many of our members, thereby serving as a discussion topic on the sustainable development and standard specifications of various vehicle usage.   MIH has launched two Interest Groups: carbon neutrality and next-generation communications. Innovative topics such as the Web3 Interest Group were officially established this month as well. The update of the Interest Group this month is as follows:  

Web3 IG】

As a significant topic of future trends, through the characteristic of traceability, immutability, and decentralization of blockchain technology, research and define the security of data exchange between MIH and our partners, as well as related extended services, and explore the possibility of development of Web3 in EV Ecosystem.   This group was voted and established by the committee in July. In the future, it will combine the members' respective areas of expertise, and through cooperation to connect MIH, partners, users, etc., to develop a demonstration project of an open electric vehicle ecosystem platform to help all members participate in the innovation of the ecosystem with MIH.

【Carbon Neutrality IG】

The carbon neutrality interest group organizes the formulation and interest content of the charter this month. The core of the team is based on the supply chain climate governance structure. The first stage will conduct in-depth research on real use cases, and then formulate the solutions such as carbon inventory, standardization, and third-party verification. Through process standardization, as a reference for helping future partners to transform and reduce carbon emissions.   In the next stage, the carbon neutrality interest group will further discuss related implementation plans and collaborate with members on further demonstration project planning.  

Next Generation Communication IG】

The meeting of the next-generation communication interest group focused on identifying the next-generation communication standards required for electric vehicles. Also, the design direction of the vehicle antenna, the test method of the satellite UT system, the vehicle certification requirements, and the Starlink business communication system are used as the working basis for the standardization of the working group in the next stage.   In two meetings this month, TTC (Telecom Technology Center) conducted in-depth analysis and discussions with members on topics of Taiwan's supervision of LEO satellites and FIT (Foxconn Interconnect Technology) satellite communication's standard requirements for automobiles.  

Coming Agendas: 

7/27 SES: GEO/MEO Constellation  8/10 Dekra: Certification and potential proposal for automotive antenna  8/24 SGS: Reliability testing of automotive antenna 
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