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MIH Consortium Committee Structure Update 
Home / News MIH Consortium Committee Structure Update 
MIH Consortium Committee Structure Update 
MIH Consortium Committee Structure Update 
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-08-16
Views 2495

The MIH Consortium officially started operation in July 2021 and has steadily grown to over 2,400 members. For the alliance to continue providing the benefits of electric vehicle-related innovation and standards development to current and incoming members, MIH Consortium is making several changes to its Committee structure and will be initiating the Committee election process in August 2022. The updates are: 

  • Creation of "Advisors to the Board". The role of the Advisors is to bring their expertise and resources in the global automotive and tech industry as MIH enters a new phase to expand footprint globally.  


  • Adjustment in the MIH Committee structure. The "Advisory Committee" and "Technical Committee" will be consolidated into the "MIH Committee." 


  • Introduction of "Reviewer" mechanism to the MIH Committee. The reviewer is responsible for reviewing both technologies and standards proposed by each Working and Interest Group to ensure the quality of outcomes produced.  


  • Initiation of the next term Committee election. MIH Contributor Members can participate in the nomination and election of MIH Committee. This process will strengthen the MIH operational transparency while increasing the Committee's diversity to accelerate the progress of standards and reference designs development in Working Groups. 

MIH Consortium Structure The new MIH Consortium is composed of a Board of Directors, MIH office, MIH Committee and Reviewers, and two types of groups: Working and Interest Groups.    

MIH Committee Election Process and Schedule 


  • Aug. 22 - Call for Nominations 

  • Sept. 23 - Finalize Nominees 

  • Oct. 3 - Election Begins 

  • Nov 14 - Announcement of New Committee & Reviewers  


  • Jan. 1 - New Term Starts (for 2 years) 


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