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MIH August 2022 Newsletter
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MIH August 2022 Newsletter
MIH August 2022 Newsletter
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-08-31
Views 1706

In the upcoming months, MIH Consortium will be hosting many amazing activities! First, the annual grand event MIH Demo Day will be taking place on November 8th. We will have the MIH for Startups final pitch, showcase the development outcomes of various MIH Working Groups, and host the VIP Night where executives and leaders gather! 

The MIH Consortium has entered a new phase and started the election of a new committee. This will strengthen the transparency of the alliance and the diversity of the committee, which will lead to the acceleration of standardization work. 

MIH will hold a "Patent Monetization" webinar with Wispro, a leading technology consulting company, on September 16th. Taking the automotive industry as an example, we will introduce various patent monetization methods and talk about efficient ways to utilize a company's patent assets. 
Finally, the young generation plays a vital role in leading the future of electric vehicles and mobility industry. MIH Consortium is starting a dialogue with Generation Z by launching an Electric Vehicle Design Award for students in Taiwan.

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Join MIH Demo Day on November 8! Early Bird Registration Is Now Open

The MIH Demo Day is the annual grand gala for the EV industry. The event features the presentation of our Working Groups' development outcome as well as EV startup's products and technologies. Don't miss the chance to expand your business, professional network, and more. 

👉Reserve your spot now! 

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Entering a New Phase: MIH Announces Committee Updates

With the support of more than 2,400 members, MIH Consortium has initiated several Working Groups working on reference design and standards. Recently, MIH has announced Committee updates, such as introducing two new Advisors to the Board, starting the election of the new committee,  and the guideline for the MIH standard submission process. These will accelerate the pace of MIH's expansion into global markets and increase the diversity of the committee. For more details, please click the article below.

👉MIH Announces Two New Advisors to the Board

👉MIH Consortium Committee Structure Update

👉MIH Standards Proposal Process


[MIH Insights] Four Major Trends of Smart Cabin to Satisfy Multisensory Experience

Future vehicle trends emphasize the importance of electrification and the demand for a more refined car experience. How can manufacturers achieve both desires through advancing smart cockpit mechanisms to improve sensors involved in vision, hearing, intelligent interaction, and the rear seat control system? In this article, MIH technical consultant Ted Lien details trends and the MIH working group’s progress in constructing smart cabins through refining the smart cockpit.

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[Webinar in September] MIH x Wispro - Patent Monetization

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MIH and Wispro, well-known IP, international business law and tax planning firm, will host a "Patent Monetization" webinar on September 16. The speaker will take the automotive industry as an example to introduce various methods of patent monetization and help companies find the best solution to utilize their patent assets. Please note that this webinar will be conducted in Mandarin.

👉Check out the agenda

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MIH EV Design Award: Gen Z & the Future of Mobility

MIH is pleased to announce that we have launched the MIH Electric Vehicle Design Award in Taiwan. MIH hopes to collaborate with young designers to explore Generation Z's preferences for EVs, support their innovative concepts and ideas, and reshape the mobility industry. 

Please note that registration is only open to contestants in Taiwan. 

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Working Group Status for August 2022

The MIH Working Groups including Autonomy, Smart Cabin, Energy Management, Security & OTA, etc., have continued working on standards and reference design. Below you will find updates on their work progress. 

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Interest Group Status for August 2022

In August, the MIH Interest Groups have new progress. Read our latest news to catch up on their project updates.  

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[Expert Views] Metaverse x Future Cars – A Perspective from Patent Analysis (Part One)

The metaverse is our future, revolutionizing how companies adapt their products and marketing. The certified Taiwan Patent Attorney Jean Chou uses patent analysis to analyze how metaverse can influence the automotive industry.

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