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Working Group Status for August 2022
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Working Group Status for August 2022
Working Group Status for August 2022
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-08-25
Views 1970

The progress updates of the various MIH Working Groups in August are below:

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  【Autonomy WG】 The 15th Autonomy (AD) Working Group meeting was held on August 18th. We added tasks for creating four APIs: the Network API of the Telematic Unit, the Cockpit API of the Cockpit Display Control unit, the Control API of the Vehicle Control Status Unit, and the Map API of the Localization Unit. Based on this updated AD structure, the WG will continue to develop and connect the Network API and Cockpit API interfaces to work across the Security & OTA WG and Smart Cabin WG.   【Smart Cabin WG】 On August 11th, the eighth Smart Cabin Working Group took place. The WG welcomed four new members: Voyager-Tech, oToBrite, Longsys, and HCMF. Voyager-Tech and oToBrite specialize in DMS (Driver Monitor System); Longsys possesses advanced vehicle storage technology, and HCMF is strong at vehicle mechanics. In total, there are 20 partners in the Smart Cabin Working Group. During the meeting, TomTom updated the status for Nov.8 event, Cerence updated VPA integration status, and MIH updated DMS status. All task forces are running on schedule.   【Certification WG】 The 8th Certification Working Group meeting was held on August 17th. A new member Hioki was joining the group. Hioki is good at energy and battery testing which is very helpful to the group. During the meeting, each subgroup lead updated the status of cross-group collaboration. MIH updated the MIH standard application flow. The group will focus on DbW API testing and certification standard in the following months.    【Security & Over-the-air Working Group】 MIH Security & OTA WG held a meeting on August 25th. Members shared security SSD product features and feasible vehicle solutions. Security guidelines from the certification member's point of view were also released. Cybersecurity is increasingly critical in the EV industry. MIH Security & OTA WG will not only focus on how to identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover technology but also will focus on data security and digital forensics. MIH Security & OTA WG will discuss and document the automotive security framework/guideline, then propose it to MIH for review and publication.   【Energy Management WG】 During the Energy Management WG meeting, Dukosi shared the design structure of Wireless BMS. Lightweighting is an important direction for automotive makers. By adopting Wireless BMS, the data transmission cables can be eliminated while reducing certain weights, and making BMS design more flexible. We’ll integrate wire and wireless BMS as an integrated system and design the testing plan.     【Thermal Management WG】 Thermal Management WG has identified and defined key parts of the heat pump in an EV HVAC system. At this initial stage, our primary focus for the group is to design a lightweight, simplified thermal management system as a starting point. The spec range of key parts was released to group members to examine competency in their relationship with their suppliers/customers.   【Powertrain WG】   2 Speed Gear Box Update  The two-speed gearbox concept test has been completed. NVH has completed the solution proposal review meeting with the team members and will conduct feasibility test planning according to the follow-up test items. According to the test results, it is planned to launch a commercial vehicle powertrain application program. Next, the annual review document will be written and submitted in accordance with the foundation’s review process.    SiC subgroup  The collegial formulation of the specifications has been completed, and then the annual review documents will be written and submitted according to the foundation’s review process. 
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