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MIH Demo Day
Home / News MIH Demo Day
MIH Demo Day
MIH Demo Day
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-09-05
Views 1646

About MIH Consortium

MIH Consortium is creating an open EV ecosystem that promotes collaboration in the mobility industry. Our mission is to realize key technologies, develop reference designs and standards, while we bridge the gap for alliance members resulting in a lower barrier to entry, accelerated innovation, and shorter development cycles. Our goal is to bring together strategic partners to create innovative solutions for the next generation of EV, autonomous driving, and mobility service applications. MIH currently has more than 2,440 members from 65 countries and regions.  

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Time|Nov. 8  Tue.  09:30 - 16:30 ( Registration | 08:30-09:30  ) Location|Taipei Nangang Exhibition Hall 2  (No.2, Jingmao 2nd Rd., Nangang District, Taipei City )  

About MIH Demo Day

MIH Demo Day is the annual technical advancements demonstration of MIH Working Groups, combining《MIH for Startups》powered by Techstars program, gathering new momentum in the smart mobility industry. This program invites and encourages EV startups from around the world, whether it is an emerging electric vehicle brand, powertrain, energy management, autonomous driving, or other EV-related software and hardware, to participate in the 8-week global Founder Catalyst program, driving the future of the EV mobility industry. The final 10 selected teams will participate in the final pitch at the MIH Demo Day.    



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Please Note

  • The organizer reserves the right to change the content of the event.
  • The organizer reserves the right to reproduce and broadcast the video on the event day.
  • Physical tickets are valid for admission on the day of the event with e-tickets, no reserved seats are available.
  • All ticket types will receive a link to the playback video two weeks after the event.
  • All ticket types will receive a link to the playback video two weeks after the event
  • The video replay links will be sent to the ticket purchaser's mailbox, but some sessions without the speaker's authorization will not be available for replay.

Refund Policy

ACCUPASS has been appointed to assist in the refund process and a 10% handling fee will be charged for refunds.  


The organizer will send the invoice to the invoice recipient's mailbox after 2022/11/8. If the invoice is not received by 2022/11/30, please contact the organizer before 2022/11/30 for further processing.   Covid-19 Policy
  • To keep the attendee's health in good condition, a mask will be worn throughout the event, and those who eat and drink should eat and drink at fixed places and keep a social distance.
  • The organizer reserves the right to prohibit entry if the body temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees.
  • If the government declares a Level 3 alert, the event will be postponed or canceled and the organizer will notify you.
  Other Precautions When you sign up for this event, you agree to the collection of personal information. The basic information obtained from this event, including your name, contact number, email address and other personal information, will only be used for future media and marketing purposes. If you have any questions about the campaign, please contact mih@mih-ev.org. Please refer to the organizer's announcement and venue rules for any other details.  

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