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Working Group Status for September 2022
Home / News Working Group Status for September 2022
Working Group Status for September 2022
Working Group Status for September 2022
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-09-28
Views 2066

The progress updates of the various MIH Working Groups in September are below:

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【Autonomy WG】

  MIH hosted the Autonomy Working Group Insight Sharing Webinar on August 30. In this sharing, follow the updated AD/ADAS block diagram and structure discussed at the 15th working group meeting. The structure is based on cross-platform agnostic, open, and decentralized development. Skateboard's control (Driver by Wire) API had been preliminarily defined by several previous working group meetings. Now DbW API is currently being detail reviewed within MIH. At the same time, standardized interfaces in the Sensor API and Map API continue to be defined.   

【Smart Cabin WG】

  The 11th Smart Cabin Working Group was held on September 22. There were 2 new members Karma Automotive and FIT joining the group. Karma Automotive is good at EV innovation. FIT is a leading company in the cables and connectors industry. So far, there are more than 20 partners in the Smart Cabin Working Group. During the meeting, TomTom updated the status for the November 8 event on behalf of Cerence and Clientron. MIH updated DMS draft status. The overall schedule was on track for each task force.   

【Certification WG】

  The 9th Certification working group was held on September 14. During the meeting, all the members agreed to nominate D&V as the lead for Powertrain collaboration. D&V updated the status of the Powertrain webinar on September 23. Each subgroup lead updated the status of cross-group collaboration and discussed the testing and certification standard of DbW API.   

【Security & Over-the-air Working Group】

  Security & OTA WG held a working group meeting on September 8. A new member Karma Automotive participated in this meeting. During the meeting, SGS shared the current progress and future application of the security guideline and security-related regulations and standards. About UN/ECE WP29 R155, the Cybersecurity Management System (CSMS) is a requirement for all new vehicles sold after 2024 in ECE. The Security & OTA WG would discuss an Automotive Security Framework/Guideline, which will provide a guideline for members to pass the certification in the future, and then send it to the MIH committee for publication.   

【Energy Management WG】

  Energy Management WG held its 2nd WG meeting on September 7th. In this WG meeting, SGS experts introduced high cable design and verification Int’l standards which will be applied in both EV and EV Chargers. r. To increase charging speed, the EV electric system tends to adopt high voltage designs (such as 800V or higher), and it will cause more hazards. Therefore, through the introduction by SGS experts, it could be the safty reference guideline for MIH members.    

【Powertrain WG】  


2 Speed Gear Box Update  

The two-speed gearbox concept test has been completed. NVH has completed the solution proposal review meeting with the team members, and will conduct feasibility test planning according to the follow-up test items. According to the test results, it is planned to launch a commercial vehicle powertrain application program. Next, the annual review document will be written and submitted in accordance with the foundation's review process.   

SiC subgroup 

The collegial formulation of the specifications has been completed, and then the annual review documents will be written and submitted according to the foundation's review process. 
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