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All new MIH platform will be revealed for the first time at MIH Demo Day!
Home / News All new MIH platform will be revealed for the first time at MIH Demo Day!
All new MIH platform will be revealed for the first time at MIH Demo Day!
All new MIH platform will be revealed for the first time at MIH Demo Day!
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-10-18
Views 1995

All new MIH platform will be revealed for the first time at MIH Demo Day on 11/8!


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  MIH CEO Jack Cheng will reveal the new MIH platform for the first time at the MIH DEMO DAY. "As a leader in the mobility space, MIH is revealing this new platform not only to demonstrate the Consortium's Open and Agnostic DNA but also to drive our efforts in achieving competitiveness and sustainability for the industry".   With 30 exhibition booths and more than 10 sessions of innovative EV technology forums, MIH DEMO DAY will be an exciting event featuring MIH and partner keynote presentations on how to revolutionize the EV industry with open and agnostic solutions! Some of our partners include TomTom, a pioneer in navigation and smart cockpits; American Axle & Manufacturing (AAM), a global Tier 1 powertrain company; Clientron Corporation, an intelligent In-Vehicle driving solution provider and Tier IV, a leader in open source autonomous driving development. Karma Automotive and Lordstown Motors will be sharing experience collaborating with MIH.  

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