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Exclusive MIH VIP NIGHT for Contributor Members
Home / News Exclusive MIH VIP NIGHT for Contributor Members
Exclusive MIH VIP NIGHT for Contributor Members
Exclusive MIH VIP NIGHT for Contributor Members
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-10-18
Views 1574

MIH VIP NIGHT for Contribution Members will be held on November 8th!


Book your tickets now and enjoy the premium business networking!


Book your tickets now and enjoy the premium business networking!

  Agenda: 18:00-18:30 Registration 18:30-18:40 Foxconn Chairman Young Liu | Opening Remarks 18:40-18:50 MIH CEO Jack Cheng | Opening Remarks 18:50-19:00 Photo Time 19:00-19:30 Live Band Performance 19:30-20:30 Dinner, Networking, and Booth Exhibition   The annual MIH VIP NIGHT dinner is an exclusive event for MIH Contributor Members. With a limit of 150 attendees from MIH partners and members, Foxconn, and invited guests, participants will enjoy exclusive networking opportunities. There will also be more than 10 sponsor booths showcasing EV-related solutions and products. Let's have a great time discussing about the future of mobility under the stars!  

👉Not a Contributor Member yet? Join as a Contributor Member and attend MIH VIP NIGHT!

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