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Interest Groups Status for October 2022
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Interest Groups Status for October 2022
Interest Groups Status for October 2022
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-10-28
Views 2164
In October, three teams in the MIH Interest Group completed the reorganization and restructuring. The updates are as follows:   

Interest Group Charter 

  As the pioneer of the EV market, MIH is committed to building an open electric vehicle platform, but also encouraging and gathering partners to promote sustainability and implement innovation through Working Groups, Interest Groups, Community Activity operations and other mechanisms. MIH will cooperate with industry partners and start-up teams in more new fields, meet more challenges and embrace new opportunities, and welcome more Contribution Members and General Members to join the Interest Group.    So, in 2022, MIH launched the first batch of three Interest Groups, covering carbon neutrality, global mobile communication, and the possibility of developing future vehicles in Web3 scenarios with blockchain technology, which have received widespread attention in the industry. The following are the charter of association of the research groups such as " Net-Zero", "Global Connectivity", and "Web3 in EV" (in the order of the time of kick-off).   

Net-Zero Team

  In response to the increasing climate-related risks under climate change and the global goal of reaching Net -Zero emissions by 2050, Net-Zero interest group has developed a comprehensive climate governance framework and guidance for carbon management for MIH Alliance members.     The goal is to create a framework of climate governance for the supply chain, build up climate resilience, and to suggest a net-zero pathway for the MIH platform through mechanisms such as standardization, platform participation and member cooperation.    Co-chairs:   Kung-Yueh Chao (Cam), Executive Director of the International Climate Development Institute, and Jennifer Wang, Managing Director, TÜV Rheinland Taiwan.    MIH Team Leaders:   Steve Pao, Shock Tung    Research scope: 
  1. To develop a comprehensive climate governance framework within the organization, including Governance, Strategies, Indicators and Risk Management.
  2. Considering the life cycle of the product, and assisting members to understand the regulatory requirements of the export market at the manufacturing and export stages, as well as in carbon management including quantification, reduction and neutralization; in the product use stage, the carbon footprint will be tracked and the user feedback mechanism for carbon reduction will be considered.
  3. To integrate important international climate governance initiatives and standards such as Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), Science-Based Target Initiative (SBTi), Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), etc.
  General affairs:  Meetings are expected to be held every two weeks, one hour each time    Anticipated outcome: 
  1. Work Framework for climate governance and carbon management
  2. Standard operating procedures and assessment indicators
  3. Member participation and cooperation mechanism
  4. Plotting the Net-Zero pathways
  Project schedule:  2022  August: Identify potential projects in the pilot project  October: Confirm programming framework  December: Start Pilot Project  2023   Q2: Pilot Project Interim Report  Q4: Pilot Project Report and Suggestions on Standardized Process Specifications      (Adjusted according to the actual situation)   

Global Connectivity Team

  In order to better match the vision and development of MIH, after discussion and reorganization by the Chairman, members and internal committees, the former "Next Generation Communications" has been renamed "Global Connectivity", and the following are the related organizational and planning updates:    As electric vehicle development gradually moves toward a highly software-defined regime, and along with the increasing demands from autonomous driving as well as IVI system, it is expected that connectivity applications will be a major topic in the EV industry. To achieve this vision subject to the E-mobility requirements, full-time and seamless global communications will inevitably become a key enabler for the full-scale deployment of connectivity applications in the MIH EV platform development.    The interest group will focus on global connectivity development, co-chair will lead group members to research and define its various use cases and requirements. The objective is to integrate satcom and V2V communications to release global connectivity solutions including architecture and standards for MIH EV platform.    Co-Chair:   Tron Future Tech Inc. CEO Yu-Jiu Wang    Contact window :   Principle Engineer Chang-Heng Wang  Project Manager Steven Chen    MIH Team Leaders:   Steve Pao, Shock Tung    Research scope:   Define use cases and requirements, and develop global connectivity solutions and standards.    General affairs: 
  • Regular discussion meetings will be held every 2weeks via MS teams. Duration is 1hour but possible to extend if necessary. 
  • Co-chair window person will upload meeting minutes and meeting material to Google cloud space and release to group members as follow-ups reference. 
  • Co-chair will base on meeting minutes follow-ups items to request specific group member report latest progress. 
  • If the group members have new proposals, please provide related information to co-chair windows 2 days prior to the meeting to update discussion topics. 
  Anticipated outcome:  Concept documents output: 
  • MIH global communications use scenarios 
  • MIH global communications architecture 
  • MIH global communications terminal standard interface and power requirements 
  • MIH global communications terminal performance requirements 
  • MIH global communications terminal qualifications standard 
  Project schedule:  2022  Q4: Submit a concept paper of global communications use cases    2023  Q1: Submit technical architecture paper of global communications   Q2:  
  • Demonstrate automotive user terminal solution of global communications 
  • Submit specification guidelines of global communications terminals 
Q3: Submit test standard guidelines of global communications terminals     (Adjusted according to the actual situation)   

Web3 in EV Team

  Web3 EV is a significant topic of new technology applications and future trends. Through the transparent and traceable, difficult to tamper, and decentralization characteristics of blockchain technology, Web3 EV IG studies the standard definition of how to securely exchange data between MIH partners. Besides, Web3 EV IG provides driver digital credentials by using DID (Decentralized Identity) to provide more service to drivers, and explore the possibility of Web3 developing in the electric vehicle ecosystem.    This group will work with MIH, partners and users to develop a demonstration project of an open electric vehicle ecosystem based on respective areas of expertise, and help all members participate in the innovation of the MIH ecosystem.    Co-chairman: Nicholas Yang, Blockchain Team of Cathay Pacific Digital Development Center    MIH Team Leaders: Steve Pao, Shock Tung    Research scope:  Aiming at the application scenarios of the overall electric vehicle ecosystem, DID technology is used as the vehicle owner's identity certificate to develop related extended services and explore the possibility of Web3 developing in the electric vehicle ecosystem.    General affairs:  Online bi-weekly meetings, meeting minutes and related documents will be provided after meeting for participants of this research group.    Anticipated outcome:  Delivery specification concept document containing  MIH Platform Architecture  supply chain management  Carbon Footprint and Carbon Credit Data Tracking  Application scenarios such as data analysis/decentralized identity/wallet/NFT credentials    Project schedule:  2022 2H  Driving behavior data analysis platform Demo  MIH Platform Architecture Concept Demo  DID application scenario definition    2023 1H  Supply Chain Management Mechanism Demo  Carbon Footprint and Carbon Credit Data Tracking Standard Procedures  Example Web3 usage scenario application    (Adjusted according to the actual situation)   
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