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Working Group Status for October 2022
Home / News Working Group Status for October 2022
Working Group Status for October 2022
Working Group Status for October 2022
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-10-31
Views 1809

The progress updates of the various MIH Working Groups in October are below:

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【Autonomy WG】

MIH held the Autonomy Working Group meeting on October 13th and welcomed Renesas to join the working group. Renesas has Camera, Radar, Lidar, and SoC chip solutions in the AD/ADAS system, and has many years of experience. During this meeting, partners reviewed the Smart Sensor API document and the first version of the LiDAR API document. These Sensor API documents are also continuously discussed and reviewed in the sensor sub-working group.   

【Smart Cabin WG】

The 13th Smart Cabin Working Group was held on October 20th. There are 2 new members, Renesas and AAC, joining the group. Renesas is good at EV hardware chips, and AAC is good at sound processing. So far, there are more than 22 partners in the Smart Cabin Working Group. During the meeting, TomTom updated the status for the MIH Demo Day event on behalf of Cerence and Clientron. MIH updated DMS draft status to version 0.3. The overall schedule was on track for each task force.   

【Certification WG】

During the 10th Certification Working Group meeting, each subgroup lead updated the status of cross-group collaboration and discussed the testing and certification standard of DbW API.   

【Security & Over-the-air Working Group】

The Security & OTA Working Group held a meeting on October 6th. During the meeting, members discussed the chapter and session of the automotive security white paper.  We encourage our members to contribute to those sessions.    

【Energy Management WG】

Energy Management WG held a small-group meeting to discuss battery materials. During the meeting, the attended partners plan to setup a sub-WG on battery materials. They will do an introduction proposal to recruit members in order to form an official sub-WG.    

【Thermal Management WG】  

The Thermal Management Working Group is tuning to standardize the thermal management system. Through our design, we plan to designate the heat to pass through the defined modules, in order to make efficient usage of energy. Thermal Management Working Group also targets to standardize the certification lead-time, overall project development time frame is then further shortened.   

【Powertrain WG】  

The Powertrain working group completed the engineering targets of the commercial vehicle platform based on the two-speed transmission structure. Then the team members will define the powertrain source and transmission system engineering specifications according to the vehicle platform. At the same time, the common item of components, and standardized interfaces in software and hardware continue to be defined.  
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