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MIH Consortium and the Autoware Foundation join forces to accelerate the development of electrified autonomous vehicles 
Home / News MIH Consortium and the Autoware Foundation join forces to accelerate the development of electrified autonomous vehicles 
MIH Consortium and the Autoware Foundation join forces to accelerate the development of electrified autonomous vehicles 
MIH Consortium and the Autoware Foundation join forces to accelerate the development of electrified autonomous vehicles 
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-01-07
Views 3494

Co-operation brings the development of automotive-grade implementations 

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Taipei, Taiwan, January 7, 2022 - This year at CES 2022, MIH Consortium and the Autoware Foundation along with Tier IV, one of the key members of both AWF and MIH and an open-source autonomous driving leader will exhibit and showcase an autonomous driving system reference implementation of the Autoware Open AD Kit and its integration with the MIH Open EV Platform. 

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MIH Consortium and the Autoware Foundation have formed alliance to accelerate the development of an integrated solution for electrified autonomous vehicles. MIH Consortium is the first in creating an Open EV Platform to lower entry barriers, shorten development cycles and accelerate innovation in the mobility industry, and Autoware is the first "all-in-one" open-source software for autonomous vehicles. The AD/ADAS working group within the MIH Consortium is chaired by Tier IV, the creator of Autoware and a founding member of the Autoware Foundation. 

"Autoware’s open-source software is becoming a key building block in the development of autonomous driving. The collaborative open platform development structure of MIH aligns extremely well with objectives of the Autoware Foundation," said Shinpei Kato, Chairman, Board of Directors of the Autoware Foundation and CTO of Tier IV. "We believe that this fits well with our recent announcement of the Autoware Open AD Kit.  AWF will offer reference implementations of the Open Autonomous Driving Development Kit (Open AD Kit) based on Autoware open source software and the complementary technology and solutions enabled by the Autoware ecosystem. Through the collaboration with MIH in its Autonomous Driving Working Group, MIH will define the requirements for automotive grade AD solutions, and when automotive grade solutions based on Open AD Kit become available, these solutions will be integrated into the AD/ADAS of MIH Open EV Platform and used by developers to implement commercial AD applications. " 

Jack Cheng, CEO of MIH Consortium said "In the next generation of mobility, user-centricity is the key. To enable developers to innovate and create great user experience and applications, we must work towards a Software-Defined Vehicles future by realizing the Open EV Platform vision. MIH is excited to join force with the Autoware Foundation in the area of autonomous driving. Together, we will build the next generation of mobility to transform the automotive industry.”  

About MIH  

MIH Consortium is creating an open EV ecosystem that promotes collaboration in the mobility industry. Our mission is to realize key technologies, develop reference designs and standards, while we bridge the gap for alliance members resulting in a lower barrier to entry, accelerated innovation, and shorter development cycles. Our goal is to bring together strategic partners to create innovative solutions for the next generation of EV, autonomous driving, and mobility service applications. 


Press contact:  

Shock Tung 


About Autoware 
Autoware is the world's first "all-in-one" open-source software for self-driving vehicles hosted under the Autoware Foundation. Autoware is based on ROS 2, with contributions from the Autoware Foundation members and community at large following best-in-class software engineering practices.  Further information at www.autoware.org 

Press contact: 

Larry Dimitrievski, Chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee 

larry.dimitrievski@autoware.org, +1 (248) 392-8211

About Tier IV 

Tier IV, a deep-tech startup based in Japan, is the creator of Autoware, the world's first open-source software for autonomous driving, and provides full-stack solutions for the commercialization of intelligent vehicles based on the Autoware-defined Autonomous Driving Kit (ADK) running on multiple platforms. As a founding member of the Autoware Foundation, Tier IV is dedicated to sharing technology with ecosystem partners for safe intelligent vehicles that will benefit all of society. Our aim is to empower individuals and organizations to overcome barriers of time and space to collectively make autonomous vehicles a reality. Learn more at https://tier4.jp/en/ and follow us @tier_iv_japan. 

Press contact:

Joanna Tang

Joanna.tang@tier4.jp, +817075947955

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