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New Year's Greeting & Resolution
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New Year's Greeting & Resolution
New Year's Greeting & Resolution
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-01-24
Views 3023

Hello everyone, I am Jack Cheng, CEO of MIH. I would like to take this opportunity to say Happy Lunar New Year in advance and update you the latest status of MIH and my recent trip to the United States and Canada. In just one year, we have more than 2,200 members to jointly build an open EV platform. There are many challenges under the impact of the epidemic, but none of them can stop us from working together.

Through this open EV platform, we will create reference designs and standards and incubate new ideas and technologies such blockchain, the metaverse, and the latest trends in decentralization. Through cooperation with our partners, we will ultimately create a green and a more sustainable environment for our next generation. We have launched several MIH Working Groups including Powertrain and Energy Management to cooperate with partners in the industry, government and academia. The other one is Security & OTA and the third is autonomous driving and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS). At CES in Las Vegas this year, we also cooperated with Japan's Autoware and Tier IV to jointly participate. These activities showed that MIH is truly a global platform for the world.

As MIH's footprints spread to different part of the world during my recent North America visit, we have attracted great attention from the United States and Canada. On the topic of high-tech talents, we plan to introduce more resources to the North American market. The exhibition of Fisker at the LA Auto Show, the solar EV Aptera in San Diego, and the agricultural machinery partners in Napa Valley all urgently need MIH and its partners to provide services and solutions. In Ohio, I also visited the Lordstown factory recently acquired by the Foxconn Group. This factory used to produce GM Chevrolet Cruze with an annual output of 500,000 units. The equipment is very new and has enough capacity for mass production. We are preparing to change this site to an electric vehicle production line, serving the first vehicle of Lordstown Endurance Pickup Truck, followed by the second vehicle of Fisker’s Pear Project. Chairman Liu has repeatedly emphasized that Foxconn will help MIH to find different opportunities to commercialize, so that our partners have more opportunities to do business overseas.

This year's MIH events will start with the partner conference in March, with the thousands of partners who became our partners since last year. In June, We will have a major industry seminar and a startup event. In August, we will host a student Formula competition with sponsorship from Foxconn Education Foundation. In October at 2025 E-Mobility Taiwan exhibition, we will demonstrate the results of our Working Groups, and other initiatives in green energy, blockchain, energy saving and emission reduction, and even some progress in metaverse in the future.

Last but not least, I wish our friends and colleagues, our partners, and representatives in academia and government agencies who have supported us, a great Year of the Tiger. I hope everything will go well and all families safe, healthy and happy. Thank you again and happy lunar new year!

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