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MIH attended at 14th AUTOMOTIVE WORLD 2022 Conference in Tokyo
Home / News MIH attended at 14th AUTOMOTIVE WORLD 2022 Conference in Tokyo
MIH attended at 14th AUTOMOTIVE WORLD 2022 Conference in Tokyo
MIH attended at 14th AUTOMOTIVE WORLD 2022 Conference in Tokyo
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-01-27
Views 1888

MIH is honored to be invited to present the "Next Generation Mobility Starts with Collaboration" at 14th AUTOMOTIVE WORLD 2022 Conference in Tokyo.

AUTOMOTIVE WORLD is the world’s largest exhibition & conference for advanced automotive technologies.

In this conference, Jack Cheng, CEO of MIH Consortium addressed the growing EV market and why adoption has increased, along with why collaboration is vital to success to 17,000 executives and experts from automotive manufacturers, components suppliers from all over the world.

Global climate change and supply chain issues are impacting the world today. However, this opens opportunities for companies, and competitors to partner in a new year. When it comes to the automotive industry, the next generation of mobility and electric vehicle (EV) suppliers must work together focusing on the user experience, bringing EVs to market faster, and responding to the growing emission regulations. This new collaboration model will have a profound, and long-term impact on the mobility industry.

In this trend, MIH will also cooperate with our MIH Alliance members and join hands with global EV industry supply chain partners to build the Open EV Platform together.

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