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Interest Groups Status for February 2023
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Interest Groups Status for February 2023
Interest Groups Status for February 2023
MIH Consortium
Published On 2023-02-24
Views 1928
Announcement: MIH Interest Groups: Team Net-Zero, Team Global Connectivity, and Team Web3 in EV have been officially transitioned into subgroups of Security & OTA, Connectivity, and Testing & Certification Working Groups, as decided by the committee in the February meeting.    We appreciate the contributions made by the Interest Group to MIH’s electric vehicle innovation in the past year. The decision to transition the three teams of Interest Group into the subgroups of Working Groups is aimed at further strengthening MIH’s research and development in the electric vehicle field and better serving the needs of the market and customers.  This decision is also aimed at better integrating with existing workgroups, by closely cooperating, enhancing communication and coordination, and utilizing the professional knowledge and skills of the subgroup to accelerate the implementation of innovative projects, while considering the technical limitations and feasibility of existing products. This will help improve the product quality and competitiveness of MIH.    The arrangements for the three subgroups are as follows:   
  • Testing & Certification - Net-Zero subgroup 
  Net-Zero is a new subgroup of the Testing & Certification Working Group. Co-chaired by Cam Zhao, CEO of the International Climate Development Institute, and Jennifer Wang, Managing Director, TÜV Rheinland Taiwan. They are committed to helping electric vehicle supply chain members respond to climate risks, achieve zero-emissions transformation and sustainable development. The subgroup will assist members in responding to regulations and market trends, and provide guidance for resilience building and zero-emissions transformation through platform participation and cooperation mechanisms to achieve a common goal of reducing emissions.   
  • Connectivity - Global Connectivity subgroup 
  Global Connectivity merged into the Connectivity Work Group., co-chaired by Dr. Yu-Jiu Wang, CEO of Tron Future Tech. The subgroup is responsible for integrating different technologies, including satellite communications and V2V(vehicle-to-vehicle communication), and proposing global communication solutions suitable for the MIH electric vehicle platform. The main work areas of the Communications Working Group include global communication application scenarios, technical architecture, and specifications. The application scenarios include emergency communication, network connection services, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), and autonomous driving (AD).   
  • Security & OTA - Web3 in EV subgroup 
  Web3 in EV is a new subgroup of the Security & OTA Working Group,  The Working Group will be jointly co-chaired by Nicholas Yang, Head of Web3 Ecosystem and Blockchain, DDT, Cathay Financial Holdings.  The subgroup will lead the Vehicle/Driver's DID (Decentralized Identifiers) project for vehicle and driver identifiers that is the basis of identity and data sovereignty and assist MIH and its partners in securely and reliably exchanging data through blockchain infrastructure, and expanding user scenario services.     MIH is committed to becoming a leader in the electric vehicle industry, and this transition will strengthen our technological capabilities and market competitiveness, and promote product innovation and development. We look forward to the members of the new subgroups working together to promote the development and progress of MIH.     
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