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MIH Consortium - Call for Committee Nominations
Home / News MIH Consortium - Call for Committee Nominations
MIH Consortium - Call for Committee Nominations
MIH Consortium - Call for Committee Nominations
MIH Consortium
Published On 2024-08-30
Views 151

MIH Launches Committee Election Process: Members Invited to Submit Nominations

Since its establishment, the MIH Consortium has gathered over 2,750 members. We appreciate the support and participation of all our members. As the alliance committee approaches the start of a new term, we are pleased to announce the initiation of the committee election process. We sincerely invite members to actively self-nominate or propose candidates. We believe that with the guidance and insights from experts in the electric vehicle field, we can effectively advance the development of standardization, modularization, and platformization. We look forward to your active participation to drive the growth and progress of the consortium.

Please fill out the self-nomination or candidate recommendation form at: https://mih-ev.surveycake.biz/s/3Zd49 (Deadline: September 30th).

Committee Responsibilities:

  • Use your deep expertise and global perspective to provide insights into the electric vehicle and mobility industries, offer strategic advice, and help the MIH Consortium improve services for its members.

  • Review and evaluate the various standardization documents proposed by the MIH Consortium. Provide professional opinions and guidance from an impartial perspective to ensure that the standards released by the consortium meet industry and market needs, as well as future trends.

MIH Committee Election Process:


  • September: Open for member self-nominations or candidate nominations.

  • October - November: Review nominations.

  • December: Announce the new committee members.


  • January 1: New committee members assume their positions.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at: mih@mih-ev.org.

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