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Working Group Status for April 2023
Home / News Working Group Status for April 2023
Working Group Status for April 2023
Working Group Status for April 2023
MIH Consortium
Published On 2023-04-27
Views 2467

Progress update of the MIH Working Groups in April are as below:

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【Smart Cabin WG】

MIH held the 19th meeting of the Smart Cabin Working Group on April 27. At this meeting, the working group will continue to refer to the architecture of the smart cabin system and define the Steering Wheel API according to the requirements of the steering wheel control mode. The Steering Wheel API can be used to control the smart cabin system using the steering wheel API, such as up, down, left, right, back, confirm, and other controls. The working group will also review and discuss revisions to other APIs under development.   

【Security & OTA Working Group】

MIH Security & Over-the-air Working Group had sent the "Call for Proposal" email to the WG members.  Members are encouraged to share with us ideas in proposals for automotive security & OTA topics and we will discuss further about this in May. In addition, the Web3 sub-group has begun testing and implementing projects related to blockchain and DID (Decentralized Identifiers), members are also encouraged to contact us for joining the discussion.   

【Powertrain Working Group】

Powertrain WG monthly meeting on 4/17 discussed: 1.Reference design development – GVW3.5t light duty truck 2 speed e-beam axle development 
  • Plan to complete prototype by Q4 2023, production design by Q1 2024. 
  • Motor and inverter design decided, Working with potential customer to create Salisbury housing, axle shaft and diff. case design 
  • Working with potential supplier on TCU, software, gear shifting device design
2. Design standardization 
  • Continue to complete motor & inverter standardization proposal for A segment EV by taking Project X as carrier 

Testing & Certification WG】

The 20th Testing & Certification Working Group meeting was held on 3/15. During the meeting, all members discussed the preparation of battery sub-group creation. Basically, it involves cell, module, functional safety and battery management system. More discussions are expected to happen before the formal establishment of the sub group.  
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