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[Member Letter] MIH Consortium's New Phase: Honored to Announce Mr. Jun Seki as CEO
Home / News [Member Letter] MIH Consortium's New Phase: Honored to Announce Mr. Jun Seki as CEO
[Member Letter] MIH Consortium's New Phase: Honored to Announce Mr. Jun Seki as CEO
[Member Letter] MIH Consortium's New Phase: Honored to Announce Mr. Jun Seki as CEO
MIH Consortium
Published On 2024-03-30
Views 1785

Dear MIH Consortium Members,


Since its official launch in 2021, the MIH Consortium has collaborated with over 2,700 members globally to promote development and innovation in the electric vehicle (EV) and smart mobility industry. The Consortium is pleased to announce that Mr. Jun Seki, Foxconn’s Chief Strategy Officer for EVs, will take on the CEO role on April 1st, 2024. This pivotal change aims to advance industry standardization, unlock new business opportunities, and foster innovation within smart mobility.

The Consortium is dedicated to assisting members in entering the electric vehicle and mobility industries, focusing on uniting industry efforts, addressing challenges, and adopting the following strategies:


  • Industry Standards Development: Leveraging Taiwan's Information and Communication Technology (ICT) strengths to join forces with members to define standards for the electric vehicle industry.

  • A Collaborative Platform: Fostering partnerships within our community and with international industry bodies and governments.

  • Offering Targeted Support: Tailored to our members’ needs, enabling them to effectively tackle the challenges of the EV and mobility markets.

  • Expanding Opportunities: Assisting members in exploring global markets and seizing emerging business opportunities.


The MIH Consortium thanks our members and partners for their steadfast support. Committed to collaboration and shared success, we look forward to progressing under CEO Mr. Jun Seki and seizing the opportunities of the EV revolution to achieve a sustainable industry together.


With warm regards,

MIH Consortium

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