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/ News
Working Group Update

MIH Consortium


Working Group Update

6/25 MIH Consortium Opening Event

MIH Consortium


6/25 MIH Consortium Opening Event

Due to unforeseen circumstances with COVID-19 in Taiwan, we have moved our event online after thoughtful consideration. Please join us to learn the latest organization updates from MIH and exchange insights with industry experts to address the opportunities and challenges of today’s complex EV landscape. The event is for MIH members only.
MIH Alliance: Doing It Better Together!

MIH Consortium


MIH Alliance: Doing It Better Together!

Check out this article MIH CEO, Jack Cheng, shared on LinkedIn.
3/25 Member Gathering Slide Deck

MIH Consortium


3/25 Member Gathering Slide Deck

We are sharing our slide deck from the members gathering on March 25th. Let us know what you think!
3/25 Member Gathering Streaming Link

MIH Consortium


3/25 Member Gathering Streaming Link

If you missed the first MIH Alliance member gathering, don't worry. Here's the streaming link.
Open EV Platform Technical Specification Release

MIH Consortium


Open EV Platform Technical Specification Release

MIH Alliance releases its first-generation EV developer tool "Open EV Platform" specifications.
MIH IP Consultation Service

MIH Consortium


MIH IP Consultation Service

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