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/ News
MIH June 2022 Newsletter

MIH Consortium


MIH June 2022 Newsletter

MIH's June monthly newsletter theme is Startups & Innovation. MIH has launched the “MIH for Startups” program with the well-known American accelerator Techstars. Look forward to collaborating with EV startups worldwide. MIH will be hosting a webinar with our great partners DEKRA iST and DEKRA on July 15. Register now.
MIH May 2022 Newsletter

MIH Consortium


MIH May 2022 Newsletter

Working Group Status for May 2022

MIH Consortium


Working Group Status for May 2022

2022 MIH Industry Seminar- Automotive Industry Executive Discussion


2022 MIH Industry Seminar- Automotive Industry Executive Discussion

To guarantee MIH members’ privilege in the acknowledgement of global EV industry trend and technologies, MIH together with NI and D&V, will hold a professional seminar to discuss the automotive market transformation on June 17. We will talk about how key technologies like ADAS, Powertrain and more apply to modern automotive market.
MIH April 2022 Newsletter

MIH Consortium


MIH April 2022 Newsletter

Working Group Status for Apr. 2022

MIH Consortium


Working Group Status for Apr. 2022

【Earth Day Seminar】The Development Tendency of Electronic Products of the Vehicle Restricted Substances Policies



【Earth Day Seminar】The Development Tendency of Electronic Products of the Vehicle Restricted Substances Policies

To echo the International Earth Day, MIH will co-host a seminar with SGS on Earth Day, April. 22, to support MIH member partners to shorten the gap between international green regulations and the requirements of global environmental regulations for the automotive industry and vehicle manufacturers so that products can achieve the environmental goals of ESG's sustainable management plan.
Session Overview | MIH Partner Gathering 2022

MIH Partner Gathering 2022


Session Overview | MIH Partner Gathering 2022

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